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Venue Partner

Become a venue partner with Dacole Arts

What is a Partner Venue?
• Partner venues are locations that host Dacole Arts painting events open to public. Venues are typically a restaurant or bar, however we also partner with cultural and entertainment venues such as museums and parks.

How much does it cost to become a Partner Venue?
• $0. You provide the space to hold the event and we provide everything else!

What are the benefits of becoming a Partner Venue?
• Our painting events bring traffic into Partner Venues during off peak times. Participants order food and drinks from the venue, increasing sales. We also extensively advertise our events (and in turn your venue), exposing new customers and hopefully repeat customers to your venue.

What are the requirements to be a Partner Venue?
• You must have space for at least 20 painters (preferably 30+). A semi-private area is also preferred, but not required. Each painter requires a minimum of 24"-30" of linear table space (depending on the painting’s orientation), however we recommend providing even more space so that there's plenty of room for food and drinks!
• The space needs to have sufficient lighting so that guests can clearly see both theirs and the Artist’s painting.
• Hard floors are preferable over carpeting, although not required.
• Availability to host events.

What does Dacole Arts provide?
• We handle all the logistics and run the event!
• We’ll promote the event (we ask that you also advertise it at your location and via your social media accounts as well), handle guest registration, arrive before the event to set up, put down protective coverings to keep your venue clean, provide all the materials for the class and instructors to guide the guests step-by-step, and we’ll clean up afterwards.

Local Business Partners

Want to become a venue partner?

If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, please provide some basic details below. The decision make of the venue is the ideal person to complete this form.

Do you have adjustable lighting?
Will we have access to gather and dispose of buckets of water?
Will your customers be too loud for our events or vice versa? Can we play music?

Thanks for submitting!


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